Halloween is upon us and with it the welcome respite from the day-to-day normal into the freaky, bizarre and eerie. So it was with the Rick DeGolia campaign that, unbeknownst to us, the serious, articulate and well-intentioned Rick transformed unwittingly into several (and we don’t know exactly how many) satirical, glib and possibly macabre figures roaming the streets on this hallowed eve, with nary a voter in sight.
We campaign staffers were heartened and rather charmed to learn the news that many and even possibly most of the Rick DeGolia yard signs that went missing over the last few weeks were taken by local students on some kind of viral craze that involved ritualistic usage of Rick DeGolia signs and backpacks. Yes, it seems that being “Rick DeGolia” began to catch on with the youthful cognoscenti at the schools a few weeks ago and, however improbable, being Rick DeGolia became the thing to be for Halloween. So, what were you for Halloween?